The Justice Project is one of the most significant pieces of work the Law Council has ever undertaken: a landmark project examining the state of access to justice in Australia, particularly for disadvantaged people.
This Project was inspired by the realisation of a simple truth - that despite our lofty commitment to equality before the law, for many tens of thousands of Australians, equality, and justice, remain out of reach.
We accept this situation as inevitable when it is not.
We do so perhaps because we consider the cost of access to justice for all is too high.
Or perhaps because we do not understand the devastating impact of injustice upon lives, because the voices of those denied justice are not heard.
It was my intention that we give a voice to those who are most vulnerable to the impacts of this inequality.
It has been a joy to work with an extraordinary team of policy lawyers at the Law Council on this Project. They should be immensely proud of the body of work they have produced. It is an honour to have been so ably assisted by our Steering Committee. It has been a privilege to work with the hundreds of lawyers and their clients who spoke directly to me, and to the team, over the course of the consultations. Their stories will stay with me forever.